
Talent Day 2021: EU Students Reflect on the Importance of Talent Day


Talent Day 2021 offered EU Business School students the unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the professional world of business through panel discussions, dynamic workshops, and thought-provoking talks all provided by highly experienced business experts. In this short clip, EU Business School students and guest speakers reflect on what was an unforgettable day and explain just how important Talent Day 2021 was to them.

This is a short extract from Talent Day, 2021, which took place on Monday, May 10, 2021, at the NH Constanza hotel in Barcelona. On the day, EU Business School Barcelona students were offered the opportunity to attend in-person talks, panel discussions and workshops whilst EU students from all other EU campuses were given the chance to attend the talks and panel discussions provided through online streaming.

Talent Day 2021: EU Students Reflect on the Importance of Talent Day